
1979   born in Wagrowiec, Poland
1999-2004   Graphic studies at the Academy of
  Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland
2004   Diploma – drawing and graphic underi
  J. Kozlowski and T. Jackowski
since 2007   Lecturer at Academy of Fine Arts,
  Poznan, Poland
since 2008   Assistent to Hanna Luczak
  (drawing studio)


Solo exhibitions

2013  Eclipse, Emerson Gallery Berlin
2012  Delicate, Galerie BWA, Zielona Góra, Poland
2011  Vanished things, Galerie Naprzeciw, Poznan,
2010  No Explenation, Galerie BWA Arsenal, Poznan,
 Hossa, bess, Galerie AT, Poznan, Poland
2009  Poznac Poznan, Nitranska Galeria, Nitra,
2008  Deontolgy of paiting, open studio presentation,
 Ul. Grottgera 15/9 Poznan, Poland
 Ethic-Aesthetic, Emerson Gallery Berlin
2007  Ulisses, Galerie Aneks, Poznan, Poland
 Dialogen, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
 8x8x8x papier, Städtische Galerie Vila Zanders,
 Bergisch Gladbach
 Lücke in der Zeit, offene Werkstatt,
 Ul. Grottgera 15/9 Poznan, Poland
2006  Koorektur, Galerie Oko/Ucho, Poznan, Poland
 Sferen, Emerson Gallery Berlin
 Junge polnische Grafik in Seoul, Korea
 Foundation Cultural Centre, Seoul
2005  System/Gegensystem (Antisystem), Galerie
 Naprzeciw, Posen, Polen
 Gegenstände – Räume, Galerie PWW, Zielona
 Góra, Poland
2004  Das erste Kunstfestival in Swinemünde,
 Koszary Sztuki und Galerie R, Swinemünde
 Rozbieg – neue Namen in der Kunst von Poznan,
 Galerie R, Poznan, Poland
2003  Raumlesen, Galerie Plastifikatory, Lubon close
 to Poznan, Poland
 Verborgene Gegenstände, Galerie Naprzeciw,
 Poznan, Poland
2002  Präzdenz 03, Galerie TCK, Tarnowskie Gory,
 Mondphasen, Schwalenmaleterie, Bern
 Zwillingsbilder, Galerie Aula of the Academy of
 Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland