Since the very start of the EMERSON Gallery Berlin with our grand opening in September 2003, we have continuously carried out our strategy to offer a series of remarkable limited edition art works. The rules of the game have become well known: Each edition consists of a series of works – most often reproduced but occasionally even unique pieces – numbering no more than fifty pieces at a net sales price of no more than 400 euros each. The concept is simple: It offers a broader audience the possibility to collect serious art. Younger people and art lovers with limited resources can become collectors and in the process they can also contribute to supporting their favorite artists and the various activities offered at EGB.

Every exhibition at EGB is the occasion for a new edition and the edition numbers increment with each exhibit of gallery’s program. A suffix of an Arabic numeral is added to the edition number (e.g. edition 4.1) when the exhibition gives rise to more than one edition. (This is the case with group exhibits, for instance, or when a sold out edition is supplemented with a follow-up work.) Special editions receive a letter as suffix (e.g. 4.a). These special editions are not associated with exhibitions in our program. They may be created as part of an Intermezzo show, or totally independently, when the mood and/or inspiration strikes one of our artists.