
Geboren in Wexford, Irland
2004 Bachelor in Bildender Kunst
Cum Laude, Hunter College
2005 – 2007 Photographie Assistenz
für Melodie Dewitt
2008 Master in Bildender Kunst,
Hunter College
seit 2010 Assistenz Professur am
Hunter College
Colette Murphy lebt und arbeitet
in Brooklyn, New York.



2014 White Elephant, EMERSON Gallery Berlin
2014 The Art of Coalescence
S Artspace Gallery, New York City
2013 Solo, Galerie Vista, Rom
2012 A Night Thought,
Irish Arts Center, New York City
2012 A Space in Time,
Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin
2010 Gone to Ground, EMERSON Gallery Berlin
2002 Loft Space, New York City
2002 Tom & Jerry’s, New York City



2013 40/40/40, Centro Cultural Conde Dugue,
Madrid; Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Warschau;
Palazzo Della Farnesina, Rom
2013 Spring Exhibition,
Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin
2011 Women Only, EMERSON Gallery Berlin
2011 Christmas Exhibition,
Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin
2011 Fragments No 17, Parlour, New York City
2011 Transportation III with Underwater New York,
Proteus Gowanus, New York City
2009 Watery Grave, Parlour, New York City
2009 Personally Political – Contemporary Sensation,
Tacheles, Berlin
2008 Introduction: Future Dialogues, Dean Project
2008 Scope Art Fair LONDON October 16-19th
2008 Scope Hamptons represented by
Deans Project
2008 Cubic & Square foot Exhibition, APW Gallery,
New York City
2008 Hunter College Times Square Gallery,
New York City
2004 The Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery at
Hunter College, New York City
1999 Museum at F.I.T, New York City
1998 20/20 Gallery, New York City


Auszeichnungen und Stipendien

2009 Tony Smith Award
2008 Estelle Levy Award
2008 Nominiert für ein Arbeitsstipendium der
Rema Hort Mann Foundation